From the Museum to the City. Multiplied gazes: a Venetian view between past and present.

Guided tour of the exhibition and tour of the city, curated by Valeria Finocchi, Friday October 22 at 11 am.

On the occasion of the exhibition “Canaletto meets Guardi. Vedute veneziane a confronto: il Molo verso la Basilica della Salute”, organized as part of the exhibition “Ospiti in Galleria”, on Friday, October 22 at 11 am. the Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro offers a guided tour of the exhibition enriched by a path in the city focused on the Marciana area and the monumental emergencies depicted in the two paintings: participants will be encouraged to compare the city represented, the eighteenth century and the current, and, more specifically, to reflect on the different modes of representation adopted by the two famous Venetian vedutisti.

The visit is free of charge, included in the cost of the Museum entrance ticket.

Reservation required: email